How aggressive a person, am I
How aggressive a person, am I ? Aggression is an emotion Expression of anger, dislike, hostility, violence Human aggression Evolved over a long period of history Built into our psyche…
How aggressive a person, am I ? Aggression is an emotion Expression of anger, dislike, hostility, violence Human aggression Evolved over a long period of history Built into our psyche…
How self-disposed a person, am I ? Almost all of us are disposed to self Perceive self in a favorable manner Feel and act better than what one is Value…
How I manage my impression ? Impression Effect created on other's thoughts and feelings Driving force behind social interactions Continued... Impression Our acceptance depends on how others view us Our…
How stressed a person, am I ? Emotional stress Feeling of persistent pressure State of mental strain Originates from challenges in life Common reasons Issues of finance, health, education, profession,…
How satisfying are my relationships ? Relationship Manner of connection for persons General patterns Unique features Continued... Relationship Varying reasons for success and failure Immensely valuable for humans Factors influencing…
How prone am I to hurt ? Hurt is an emotional pain Anguish, sadness, unhappiness, upset Varying importance of relationships Immensely important Little less important Far less important Hurt is…
Is the world a prejudiced place ? Prejudice is an opinion Preconceived, unfair, unreasonable, lacking experience Observed at individual and group levels Prejudice drives Hatred Conflicts Violence Reasons Personal or…
How prone am I to anxiety ? Anxiety is an emotion Originates from threat to the wellbeing Issues could be real or unreal Personal characteristics affect the intensity Continued... Anxiety…
How positive I feel for myself ? Be confident to do well Belief in the ability of self to do something Be positive to do well Belief in the positivity…
What kind of a person, am I ? Personality Consistent pattern of behavior Stable responses across situations and time General patterns common for all Specific patterns different for individuals Factors…