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1. What determines my behaviour ?
2. What assimilates my behaviour ?
3. What motivates me ?
4. How attached a person, am I ?
5. How dependent a person, am I ?
6. Who controls me?
7. Is the world a just place ?
8. Is there a Supreme Power ?
9. What kind of a person, am I ?
10. How I control myself ?
11. How positive I feel for myself ?
12. How self-disposed a person, am I ?
13. How prone am I to fear ?
14. How aggressive a person, am I ?
15. Is the world a prejudiced place ?
16. How prone am I to guilt ?
17. How prone am I to anxiety ?
18. How prone am I to hurt ?
19. How stressed a person, am I ?
20. How I manage my impression ?
21. How satisfying are my relationships ?
22. How happy a person, am I ?
1. What determines my behaviour ?
2. What assimilates my behaviour ?
3. What motivates me ?
4. How attached a person, am I ?
5. How dependent a person, am I ?
6. Who controls me?
7. Is the world a just place ?
8. Is there a Supreme Power ?
9. What kind of a person, am I ?
10. How I control myself ?
11. How positive I feel for myself ?
12. How self-disposed a person, am I ?
13. How prone am I to fear ?
14. How aggressive a person, am I ?
15. Is the world a prejudiced place ?
16. How prone am I to guilt ?
17. How prone am I to anxiety ?
18. How prone am I to hurt ?
19. How stressed a person, am I ?
20. How I manage my impression ?
21. How satisfying are my relationships ?
22. How happy a person, am I ?
How attached a person, am I ?
Establish primary connections
Seek support in times of difficulties
Attachment system serves specific needs
Protection, assistance, and cooperation
Factors affecting the attachment system
Genetic makeup of a person
History of close relationships in own life
Quality of interaction with attachment figures
Non-functional attachment system
Absence of trustworthy and supportive people
Distortion in personality development
Activation of the attachment system
Sense of threat to own safety, actual or symbolic
Feeling of distance from an attachment figure
Missing proximity, even mental proximity
Attachment figure – available, sensitive, responsive
Feel secure – safe world, helpful others
Attachment system – functional and effective
Attachment figure – not available, not responsive, lost
Feel insecure – unsafe world, unhelpful others
Distress, doubt, anxiety, negativity, threat
Attachment figure – not available, not responsive, lost
Hunt for alternative figure
Normalcy only after finding an alternative figure
Failure to find an attachment figure
Complete withdrawal
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