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1. What determines my behaviour ?
2. What assimilates my behaviour ?
3. What motivates me ?
4. How attached a person, am I ?
5. How dependent a person, am I ?
6. Who controls me?
7. Is the world a just place ?
8. Is there a Supreme Power ?
9. What kind of a person, am I ?
10. How I control myself ?
11. How positive I feel for myself ?
12. How self-disposed a person, am I ?
13. How prone am I to fear ?
14. How aggressive a person, am I ?
15. Is the world a prejudiced place ?
16. How prone am I to guilt ?
17. How prone am I to anxiety ?
18. How prone am I to hurt ?
19. How stressed a person, am I ?
20. How I manage my impression ?
21. How satisfying are my relationships ?
22. How happy a person, am I ?
1. What determines my behaviour ?
2. What assimilates my behaviour ?
3. What motivates me ?
4. How attached a person, am I ?
5. How dependent a person, am I ?
6. Who controls me?
7. Is the world a just place ?
8. Is there a Supreme Power ?
9. What kind of a person, am I ?
10. How I control myself ?
11. How positive I feel for myself ?
12. How self-disposed a person, am I ?
13. How prone am I to fear ?
14. How aggressive a person, am I ?
15. Is the world a prejudiced place ?
16. How prone am I to guilt ?
17. How prone am I to anxiety ?
18. How prone am I to hurt ?
19. How stressed a person, am I ?
20. How I manage my impression ?
21. How satisfying are my relationships ?
22. How happy a person, am I ?
How satisfying are my relationships ?
Manner of connection for persons
General patterns
Unique features
Varying reasons for success and failure
Immensely valuable for humans
Factors influencing the human relationship
Characteristics of persons
Nature of relationship
Characteristics of the person
Agreeable, easy-going, trusting, giving
More satisfying relationship
Disagreeable, hostile, suspicious, selfish
Less satisfying relationship
Meshing characteristics of two persons
Good relationship if similar personalities
Both extrovert or introvert
Meshing characteristics of two persons
Not so good relationship if opposite personalities
One extrovert, another introvert
Leading and lagging personalities
Good relationship if opposite personalities
Leading takes control
Lagging allows control
Leading and lagging personalities
Not so good relationship if similar personalities
Both leadings want to control
Both laggings wish the other to control
Nature of relationship
Combination of rewards and costs
Beneficial if rewards more than costs
Detrimental if costs more than rewards
Not a zero-sum game
Relationship rewards
Companionship, emotional support, financial support, care, advice, etc.
Relationship costs
Minor – annoyances, conflicts, frustrations, provocations, etc.
Major – abuse, violence, addiction, spendthrift, etc.
Satisfaction in relationship
Demands more than benefits
Satisfaction in relationship
Internal expectation level of benefits
Minimum tolerance level of benefits
Perceived alternate level of benefits
Satisfied relationship
Benefits more than internal expectation level
Higher the benefits, higher the satisfaction
Dissatisfied relationship
Benefits less than internal expectation level
Lesser the benefits, lower the satisfaction
Commitment to the relationship
Tolerance level for minimum benefits
Tolerance might be deeper than expectation
Walking out of the relationship
Perceived benefits from the alternatives
Extreme cases walk out without alternatives
Stable relationship
Benefits exceed internal expectation level
Benefits exceed the minimum tolerance level
Benefits exceed perceived alternative level
Less stable relationship
Benefits fall below the internal expectation level
Benefits exceed the minimum tolerance level
Benefits exceed perceived alternative level
Broken relationship
Benefits fall below the internal expectation level
Benefits fall below the minimum tolerance level
Benefits fall below the perceived alternative level
Happy still quitting
Benefits exceed internal expectation level
Benefits exceed the minimum tolerance level
Benefits fall far below the perceived alternative level
Tips for Relationship
Exhibit high responsiveness
Resist criticism
Develop mutual trust and dependence
Tips for Relationship
Show tolerance for mistakes and corrections
Praise others for good deeds and efforts
Help others in living a life with a good reputation
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